I am a data scientist. I used to do web development (fullstack) and system administration for a living.
I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and a Master degree in Applied Statistic.
I have over 12 years of professional working experiences as a programmer and over 5 years and counting as a statistician.
My resume.
Currently doing data science and being happy.
The theme is Theme Stack designed by Jimmy.
I hope you have an awesome day.
- California State University, Long Beach Long Beach, CA - Master of Science in Applied Statistics (Biostatistic focus) GPA: 3.727 Cum Laude
- University of California, Riverside Riverside, CA - Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- Tree-based Ensemble Classification Algorithm for High Dimensional Data - CSULB (Master of Science in Applied Statistics)
- Nicholas Keisuke Brownell, Evan Shannon, Quoc Doan, Gregg C. Fonarow, and Boback Ziaeian (2023 Mar, 81). Healthcare Utilization for US Veterans with Heart Failure during the Covid19 Pandemic (Vol. 31 No. 8). J Am Coll Cardiol. 2023 Mar, 81 (8 Supplement) 536. (
- Pending authors . Pending Title - My Health Veteran Online Utilization and Comorbidities 2023
Employment History
See my resume.
Version 0.1.0 Summer 2018 - 2021
I created this website as an authoritative website for perfume. Technology stack is Phoenix web framework. Bootstrap for responsive design and SEO friendly. PostgreSQL for data storage. Server is on Digital Ocean VPS. Ubuntu 18.04 is the OS and was hardened by me. Data is web scraped using scrapy web scrape framework.
Predictive Model for Detecting Toxicity in Drugs
FDA - Food & Drug Administration - National Center Toxicological Research 2017
Implemented non-parametric Bayesian hierarchical model using Chinese restaurant process in R to predict drug induced liver injuries (DILI). This model was going to be use to predict new and old drugs on the market to see if there is a possibility of toxicity base on other known drugs with similar chemical profile. Nonparametric Bayesian is used is used so that the model can extend to multiple data sources, beyond DILI, to make prediction.
Le Snob
Fashion website that sell high end luxury fashion for Le Snob brand. Web designer designed the website. I was responsible for translating it into code (PHP, CSS, HTML, Javascript) and for deployment.
Redesigned Bluepromocode website using Scala, Ember.js, and Bootstrap 3. Website is renamed to Dealspotr.
Helped create spiders to web crawl fashion websites and then upload the scraped data onto MongoDB. Scrapy was the webscraping framework used.
PaeDae API
PaeDae’s API Unity Wrapper enabling Unity3D applications to integrate with PaeDae web services and serve advertisements.
Reviewed PHP’s code, most of the code was on FuelPHP MVC framework. Gave suggestions on refactoring existing code and how to use MVC framework.
UCR Extension Memorandum of Understanding
The whole website code is on the Zend MVC framework using PHP language. There is an internal web tool to control the layout and links.
UCR Extension Program Fee
This is a tool to give potential international students an idea how much studying aboard with UCR cost. I coded this using Zend MVC framework, jQuery, and SQL. Some of the design changed especially the header but my overall code is still intact. The SQL table and schemas were created and design by me.